Home Schools Crestwood School Board Organizational Meeting

Crestwood School Board Organizational Meeting


Mantua – At the School Board Organizational meeting on January 6th, new School Board members David Becker and Todd Monroe took the oath of office. Once they took their seats, the Board held an election to fill the office of board president and vice president. Matt Sorrick was elected to the position of President, while Debbie Soltisz was elected to fill the Vice President position.
The Board then voted unanimously to adopt the 2014 budget, which mirrors the five-year forecast the previous board had approved. In addition, it was decided by unanimous vote that Debbie Soltisz would continue to serve on the Athletic Council, and that Matt Sorrick would serve on Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Legislative Council, with Mrs.Sorrick serving as the alternate for 2014. Todd Monroe and Debbie Soltisz will serve as the Board’s Safety and Permanent Improvement liaisons, and Bonnie Lovejoy and David Becker will serve as Policy liaisons.

In addition, David Becker will serve as the OSBA Student Achievement liaison. Todd Monroe was elected as Academic liaison and David Becker was elected as Music liaison. Todd Monroe and Bonnie Lovejoy were appointed to serve with the Superintendent and Treasurer on the District Audit Committee.

The next order of business was to pass a number of resolutions allowing the Superintendent, Treasurer, and the School Board to conduct district business in 2014. The only difference from 2013 resolutions was Resolution 2014-19, which authorizes the Superintendent to act as the Board’s designee for expulsion and suspension hearings. This change would allow a student’s parent or guardian to choose to be heard by the Superintendent in such matters, where formerly, they were required to appeal to the Board.

Lastly, the Board established that they would continue to meet on the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in the High School Library. The only exception will be the February meeting, which is scheduled for February 10th at 7 pm, due to a schedule conflict on the first Monday of February.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography