Mantua – During two special Saturdays in March, Crestwood Intermediate School (CIS) Art Teacher Patricia Timbrook hosted groups of CIS students and their guests on an excursion to the Cleveland Museum of Art on University Circle. While the groups arrived at the museum aboard a Crestwood School District bus, this was so much more than just a typical field trip. Armed with a photo scavenger hunt prepared by Timbrook, kids and adults gathered in groups in the lobby to plot out their course of attack. Each group had a mission to see as many of the museum’s art objects as possible, as well as a visit to the Museum’s well-stocked café and gift shop, before heading back home on the bus later that afternoon.

The image-driven scavenger hunt guided groups around the Museum’s multiple levels, taking them past marble and bronze sculptures from Ancient Greece and Rome, and giving them the chance to see real history up close and personal, like ancient Egyptian sarcophagi and other amazing items they have studied in textbooks at school. One highlight was a visit to the Armor Court, which houses the Museum’s collection of 300 pieces of European arms and armor — including a medieval knight astride his similarly armed steed. In addition to armor, knives, and swords, richly colored tapestries adorned the walls, transporting parents and children alike back in time to the days of Camelot.

The Cleveland Museum of Art features the nation’s largest multi-touch microtile screen!

Another visitor favorite was a trip to Gallery One, an innovative space that blends art and technology and features a 40-foot collection wall. The interactive wall — the nation’s largest multi-touch microtile screen — displays images of over 4,000 items in the Museum’s permanent collection. Through the screen, visitors can find out more about their favorite pieces, share them via social media, or create a custom-tour. Hands-on activities throughout Gallery One allow visitors to explore masterpieces by Picasso, Rodin, and Schreckengost, providing a stronger grasp of the how the work was created. In addition, the free ArtLens app provides additional audio and video content on the collections, while helping visitors navigate through the Museum’s extensive collections.

Although the Museum offers much more than can be seen in a single afternoon, Timbrook hopes students and their families will be encouraged to return again — to enjoy the collection that includes sculptures, paintings, textiles, jewelry and more. For more information, or to plan your trip, visit While general museum admission is free, transportation was provided through a generous grant from the Hiram Community Trust.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography