Home News Cornerstone Of Excellence Award

Cornerstone Of Excellence Award


Mantua – Miss Beth Frank, presently, the Director of Religious Education at St. Joseph Parish in Mantua, recently received the “Cornerstone of Excellence Award” for thirty years as a Catholic School Educator in the Diocese of Youngstown. This honor was presented by Mr. Wally Dunne, Director or Government Programs and Resources at the Office of Catholic Schools.

Miss Frank was a junior high teacher for sixteen years and an elementary school principal for fourteen years at St. Paul School, North Canton, and at St. Joseph School, Mantua, from August, 1997 through June, 2010.

In addition to her involvement in Catholic Schools, Beth has been a Parish Director of Religious Education in the Diocese of Youngstown at St. Paul, North Canton (6 years), Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Aurora (2 years) and at St. Joseph, Mantua (1 year). Before coming to Ohio, she taught various grades one through eight in Pittsburgh, PA. She says that she has been very blessed with a deep passion and concern for the total education of children, especially at the elementary and junior high levels.

“Involvement in Catholic schools gives all of us teachers and administrators the opportunity to be co-educators with families at a systemic level, in both the academic and religious faith formation of children. Even though these continue to be challenging times for the Church as well as for education, I have loved every moment of these challenges. The blessings, too, are endless and priceless.”

Miss Frank believes strongly in Catholic education. Her own background includes a home where Catholic values were lived, and then continued in a Catholic elementary and two years of Catholic high school. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, a Master’s Degree in Family Therapy and Theology from Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, and a second Master’s Degree in Education Administration from Ursuline College, Cleveland.

After forty seven years of combined academic and religious education ministries, Beth Frank plans to “retire” on June 30, 2011. St. Joseph Parish will have a brunch in her honor on Sunday, June 26, beginning at 11:30 a.m. in Hughes Hall. Reservations are required by Monday, June 20, by sending an email to ktrares@stjosephmantua.com or by calling the parish office (330-274-2253).


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Anton Albert Photography