Home Garrettsville “Complementary & Alternative Medicine” Program at Garrettsville Library

“Complementary & Alternative Medicine” Program at Garrettsville Library


You’re invited to attend the program “Complementary & Alternative Medicine” on Monday, January 30 from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Presented by Dr. Haidy Kamel of Cuyahoga Community College, this program will provide attendees with an overview and information about this topic. Seats are limited, so register early. Call 330-527-4378 to register or for more information.
According to Dr. Kamel, within the past decade there have been amazing scientific and medical advances that detect many diseases and conditions earlier so that they may be treated more effectively, thus resulting in a longer high-quality life for many individuals. It’s intriguing to know that 40% of Americans are using complementary and alternative therapies. This program will focus on the various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, and will discuss each form’s purpose.

The Garrettsville Library, a branch of the Portage County District Library, is located at 10482 South Street in Garrettsville. Library is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00 am – 8:00 pm; Friday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; and closed Thursday and Sunday. For additional information about library programs and services, visit the Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org.


Anton Albert Photography