Home Letters to The Editor Check on aging parents this summer…

Check on aging parents this summer…


Dear Editor

I urge families to take a potentially life-saving action during June, National Safety Month, by conducting safety checks of their aging parents’ homes.

Nearly 20 million seniors visit emergency rooms every year with many of these injuries caused by home accidents.

ER doctors recommend that senior’s homes are checked for potential safety hazards at least once a year. To make this as easy as possible for families in our community, our business is offering free home safety checks for seniors throughout the month of June.

To arrange a free safety check by a senior care professional or to obtain a free home safety checklist, call our office at 330-995-1522. The checklist and other helpful resources are also available at www.makinghomesaferforseniors.com.

Annette Balis

Home Instead Senior Care



Anton Albert Photography