Home News “Bidding” Farewell to Geauga SWCD’s 2013 Decorated Rain Barrels… Last Chance...

“Bidding” Farewell to Geauga SWCD’s 2013 Decorated Rain Barrels… Last Chance to Place your Bids!


The 2013 Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign auction is winding down, but there are still two ways you can place bids on these beautiful rain barrels that local artists and groups have creatively painted for this water conservation initiative!

First, you can view all nine available rain barrels and place bids now through October 22nd on the District’s website!  Visit www.geaugaswcd.com to see the barrels and to check the current bid amounts.

Secondly, you can also attend Geauga SWCD’s Annual Meeting & Dinner on Thursday, October 24th for the final chance to place a silent bid on a rain barrel.  The event will be held at the Geauga County Fairgrounds School Building, 14373 N. Cheshire Road in Burton.  The election of two board supervisors is from 6:00-7:00 pm and the dinner begins at 7:00 pm.  Tickets are $10 for this conservation celebration and delicious dinner.

All proceeds from the Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign auction will go toward the District’s environmental education programs.  Here’s your chance to finally get a unique rain barrel while helping to protect our water resources.  Don’t delay, bid on a barrel today!

For more information visit the Geauga SWCD website at www.geaugaswcd.com or call (440) 834-1122.  A special thanks to the artists for their generosity, to the locations willing to display the barrels, and to Ken’s Auto Body, Inc. in Troy Township for donating their time and materials to apply protective clear sealant to the barrels.



Anton Albert Photography