Home Other Areas And speaking of post-graduate success….

And speaking of post-graduate success….


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club is looking for a few good members.  If you like interacting with other like-minded, convivial, connected community members…if you are interested in making your local community and your world a better, more caring and interconnected place…if you’d like to be involved in projects and programs supporting education, health care issues worldwide as well as national, cultural exchanges of many kinds at many levels…check out the Rotarians, meeting Monday evenings in the Kennedy Center at Hiram College–dinner at 5:30, meeting at 6:00.  They’ll be looking for you.
As they were recently while reviewing information gleaned from sign-ups at the club’s booth at SummerFest.  Several invitations will be going out to specific individuals as well as broad appeals to the general public interested in Rotary activities.  Suggestions for new local programs of interest are also being entertained.  The door is always open.

Through that door recently came Doug and Karen Lyons with an update on the progress of arrangements for their daughter, Jessica, who will be leaving soon to participate in the Rotary International Student Exchange program this year in Norway–finances, travel arrangements, passport, communication with host family–what excitement!  An experience of a lifetime!  This is one of the flagship programs of Rotary.

Also on the doorstep : creation of an informational brochure for prospective members outlining a representative sampling of the Rotary programs available to local clubs and in district and/or international settings, possible programs of interest–RYLA(Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) attendees, Tyler Brady of the COYO (Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra) who recently returned from a European tour, Jim Frame of the Mantua club, who is deeply involved in the Gift of Life program.  Numerous other possibilities are on the horizon; the public is invited.

And, of special significance to the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary club was the presentation, on July 2, 2012, of the Paul Harris Award(District) to John Crawford, for tireless contributions to and participation in local Rotary programs and activities (Who helps drive the Santa Truck?  Who helps out at the annual roadside clean-up?  Who helps set up the fun at the Family Week finale?  Got a clue yet?)  Cries of “Hear, hear!” and vigorous applause were heard.

Rotary Roundup
Aurora – http://www.aurorarotaryclub.org  Weekly sunrise meetings, Wednesdays, 7:30 AM, Doogan’s Restaurant, 55 Barrington Town Square Dr., Aurora, OH 44202.  Visitors Welcome.

Burton/Middlefield – http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?cid=5185 Meet Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, Welshfield Inn (Banquet Hall), 14001 Main Market Road, Burton, OH 44021

Mantua –  https://sites.google.com/site/rcmantua/home also on facebook: “Rotary Club of Mantua”   Meets every Tuesday evening at 6 pm in the fellowship hall of the Hilltop Christian Church of Mantua at 4572 W Prospect Street.

Ravenna – http://www.ravennarotary.org/  The Rotary Club of Ravenna, Ohio meets weekly for fellowship, lunch, and an informative and interesting presentation from a guest speaker.   Mondays at 12:00 pm, The Ravenna Elks Club, Ravenna, Ohio 44266

Rotarians are business, professional and volunteer leaders – united worldwide – providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations – building goodwill and peace.



Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography