Home News American Cancer Society Seeking Teams for Relay For Life of Southern Portage...

American Cancer Society Seeking Teams for Relay For Life of Southern Portage County


The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Southern Portage County is just around the corner.  Register your team today by calling the American Cancer Society at 888.227.6446 x2215 or visiting www.relayforlife.org/sportage. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones lost, and raise money for the fight against cancer. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their camp sites during Relay. Relay brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups . . . people from all walks of life – all aimed at celebrating the lives of those who have had cancer, remembering those lost, and fighting back against the disease.

Relay For Life of Southern Portage County takes place from 6pm on Friday May 9 until noon on Saturday May 10, 2014 at Ravenna Stadium.

Teams are encouraged to sign up early as this gives teams more time to raise money

For more information on the Relay For Life or to register a team, contact Ayla Layman at 888.227.6446 x2215 or email her at Ayla.Layman@cancer.org You can also visit www.relayforlife.org/sportage to connect with other relayers in your community and across the nation.


Anton Albert Photography