Home Iva's Input After The Flood

After The Flood


We think that the second dove has not returned to the boat (Genesis 8:6-14) so we might be able to begin thinking about returning to what passes for normal around here.Normal  is  a pretty flexible term.  It included the annual academic awards program, recognizing just rafts of outstanding individuals, many of the usual suspects who’ve been raising the bar in accomplishment from the very beginnings of their high school careers, and some surprises, people who found one specific class or area where they could take their first real step into the spotlight of achievement.  As they say “Down Under”, “Good on ya.”The Seniors of the Year–Emily Hartman and Josh Lawrence–were unveiled,  top ten students introduced, departmental honors awarded, scholarships announced; there was recognition galore!  Solemnity and loss shadowed the presentation of the Logan Sanders Memorial Scholarship, given in memory of a much-missed recent graduate.  Coach John Bennett, who made the presentation, urged all in attendance to actually talk to each other more without the filter of electronics and with the awareness of the precious connections we all have and need.  A near-tornado raged outside and rain could be heard on the roof; administrators quietly checked on shelter areas; lights flickered but by the time the ceremony came to an end, the weather was in remission and everyone made it home safely.With the sun finally making some of its scheduled appearances, a number of other things began showing up as well.  The first Cruise Night–opening the line-up of special events for the summer–took place on Main St. on Saturday evening.  Attendees ranged from very small children and  dogs who were there strictly  because somebody else brought them, to major motorheads who admired the deeply-shining paint jobs, the amazing chrome and the attention to detail in many of the restorations.  I loved the rumble seats.  I seem to remember that somewhere in my ill-spent youth, my aunts had a runabout of some sort (Was it a Model A?  I know that later we had a Model A truck…of which more some other time) with one of those accommodations–too cool!  Almost as much fun as getting to ride on the –very high up–backs of Grandpa’s draft horses(Dick and Betty) coming in from working in the fields and heading for the water trough.  Anyway, Jerry and the band were parked opposite High St. and alternated toe-tapping tunes with giveaways and promotions for the strolling crowds.  The new tables down at the Main Street Grille and Brewing Company seemed to be popular.  It was a nice evening to be out and plenty were.Weeds have fared rather better than purposely-planted green stuff.  I figure that if it has a taproot that goes straight down and turns left at China (rather like a wisdom tooth that I had “Duke“ Pesicek remove from my jaw many moons ago), it’s probably a weed.  All of the more desirable greenery seems to be more delicate, with a tendency toward having a fit of the vapors when it’s too cold or too hot or too…something.  The weedy guys often have other undesirable characteristics as well : they’re smelly or they’re scratchy or they’re sprawly or they spread like wildfire and choke out the wimpy hybrid types that are not ready to duke it out for control of the perennial border space.  Anything green around here better be prepared to take on all comers for territory–survival of the fittest!  I will only give aid-and-comfort to the shy little woodland sorts that are used to hiding under big leaves and bigger trees.  Those appear to be hanging on O.K. and even popping up in some places where I had not expected them to get a toehold.  Still need some more hostas  to stick in blank spots but those are nearly always available…hardy too, the ones planted last year have all survived, even in inhospitable territory.Along with the greenery, the insects seem to have been revived, especially the mosquitoes.  Luckily, we do not usually harbor the really mean ones like the Aedes aegypti that spreads yellow fever, although in the early days that disease truly was a menace, ditto for the Anopheles, which spreads malaria.  Pioneers had those hazards to contend with that we never give a thought to.  Anyway, sitting on the back porch is going to be much more enjoyable once I lay in a supply of OFF or citronella candles.  Most of the critters that I’ve seen so far have been big enough to spot from across the street, so maybe I’ll just go after them with a baseball bat.  If mosquitos are here ,can Junebugs…cicadas…ants…etc. be far behind?  Something to look forward to.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography