Home Portage County Adult Faith Opportunities at St. Joseph, Mantua

Adult Faith Opportunities at St. Joseph, Mantua


Acts of the Apostles Bible Study (text: Stephen Binz, Threshold Bible Series) The most thrilling and adventurous book of the Bible, Acts shows us Christianity being lived for the first time. Tuesday mornings starting September 12.

Book Study Group
We will learn and discuss the implications of “The New Universe Story” with Judy Cannato’s book Field of Compassion. Tuesday afternoons starting September 19.

On Care for our Common Home (Laudato Si) Study Group
We will read the encyclical of Pope Francis On Care for Our Common Home. We are responsible for handing on to succeeding generations the beautiful gift of our planet Earth. Monday afternoons beginning September 25.

The New Rosary Prayer Group
Re-imagining ways to meet God in your life through the Rosary. Requires four basic prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Sign of the Cross (and a set of rosary beads). Thursdays after 8:00 a.m. Mass starting September 7.

Seasons of Hope
Our parish bereavement program that takes place Wednesday afternoons starting September 13.

Our program for anyone interested in becoming Catholic or completing their Catholic initiation. Begins Sunday, September 17 between 8:30 & 11:15 a.m. Masses.

Adult Confirmation
Four instructional sessions at St. Joseph. Confirmation celebrated at St. Columba Cathedral with Bishop Murry in November. To be scheduled with candidates.
To Inquire: Please contact the Parish Office (jschreiber@stjosephmantua.com or 330-274-2253) or see Sr. Joyce at weekend Masses. Pre-registration is required.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography