Home News 2014 Spring Tree and Fish Sale is here!

2014 Spring Tree and Fish Sale is here!


Though winter is definitely here, think spring with the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s (SWCD) 2014 Spring Tree and Fish Sale!  This year the District is offering both “Conifer Seedling Packets” and “Root Production Method” (RPM) trees and plants.  The Conifer Seedling Packets are tree seedlings in packs of 25 and offer one tree species per pack of either White Pine or Norway Spruce.  The RPM trees and plants are sold as singles and have large fibrous root systems that promote higher survival and rapid growth.  RPM trees come in 3-gallon containers, while the RPM plants come in 1-gallon containers.  An incredible variety of species are offered including Ohio Buckeye, Pignut Hickory, American Elderberry, and Hazelnut.  Also available are both of the 2014 Woody Plants of the Year – Black Gum and Witchhazel – as featured by the Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership for Native Plants (LEAP).  Whatever your needs, Geauga SWCD has the plants you need to accomplish your landscaping goals at about half the cost of your local nurseries.  These trees make conservation sense and cents! spring-events-bird For more information and a complete list of trees and products, visit our website at www.geaugaswcd.com or call 440-834-1122.  Complete the order form and mail check to Geauga SWCD, PO Box 410, Burton, Ohio 44021. Payment must accompany order. To pay by credit card, please contact our office.  Order deadline is March 24th.  The tree sale pick-up dates are Friday, April 11, from 9 am – 4 pm, and Saturday, April 12, from 9 am-12 pm at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.
FISH SALE:  We are also taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill/sunfish mix, minnows, white amurs, and yellow perch!  Order forms are available by visiting the district website at www.geaugaswcd.com or calling 440-834-1122.  Order deadline is April 14th.  The Fish Sale will be held on Thursday, April 17, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm on the midway of the Geauga County Fairgrounds.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography